Sunday, December 29, 2019

Attaining Expertise Essay examples - 1204 Words

Attaining Expertise Daphney Walker PSYCH/640 June 2, 2014 Holly Berry Attaining Expertise In every industry experts are needed to teach others certain skills, give advice, and use strategies to solve problems. Individuals can attain expertise by focusing on a particular skill to improve. It is said that â€Å"experts are made and not born,† so expertise is not attained in one day, but takes practice and time and individuals also attain expertise at different rates performance levels. Experts develop cognitive processes that result in their high levels of performance, â€Å"Extensive practice can develop expertise in high level skill (Anderson, 2010). Acquired knowledge and skills are needed to attain expertise. This material will discuss†¦show more content†¦Ericsson and Charness (1994, p. 525), postulated that, â€Å"Recent research has shown that expert performance is predominantly mediated by acquired complex skills and physiological adaptations.† Attaining expertise is achieved through the development of skills and comprise s three stages which are the cognitive, associative, and the autonomous. Cognitive Stage The cognitive development stage of attaining expertise is the first stage in which the individual develops what is call declarative encoding of the skill in which â€Å"a set of facts relevant to the skill is commit to memory† (Anderson, 2010). The learner will rehearse the facts as they perform the skills, for example, a child is learning to ride a bike he or she will rehearse the steps as the skill is perform. So the child will remember where the pedal is, learn how to hold to the handle, learn to balance, and learn to pedal and these steps become the set of problem-solving to ride the bike. Basically the child or learner is trying to figure out what needs to be done and the actions here are usually controlled in a conscious way. Learners also experiment with strategies in order to figure out the ones that work and the ones that does not. This knowledge that is acquired is in the declarative stage because the child’s performance cannot be called skill ed. The child recalls facts about the skill of riding as he or she tries to ride the bike and pay attention in a step-by-step execution of the skillShow MoreRelatedAttaining Expertise1136 Words   |  5 PagesPsych 640 week 3 Individual VISUAL AND VERBAL IMAGERY paper Write  a 500- to 700-word magazine article that discusses visual and verbal imagery. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

Corporate Social Responsibility And Its Impact On The Food...

Overview: Corporate social responsibility is of high relevance in the food industry, as this sector has strong impact and high dependence on the economy. CSR threats and responsibilities are increasingly shifting from single firm level to the food chains and network. Over the past decade, there has been substantial evolvement in CSR as a response to perceived limitations of governmental regulations such as privatization and globalizations. Another main reason for rising relevance of CSR is shift in values and preferences of more affluent citizens in western society as well as revolution in communication technology. Civil society and media are requesting companies to be more transparent and open with respect to their actions and also†¦show more content†¦CSR and Financial Performance: Over past four decades, relationship between CSR and Financial performance has been analyzed by large number of empirical studies. These results indicate that there is positive relationship between CSR and corporate financial performance (CFP). The result shows that misdeeds of the corporation negatively had negative impact on shareholder’s wealth. The relationship between CSR and CFP depends upon firm, industry and timings. It also includes the relationship with company’s stakeholders. Investments, which take into consideration social, environmental and ethical issues, fall under Socially Responsible investments (SRI). SRI is a rapid growing market. It indicates that some shareholders prefer to invest in a firm that has record of acting responsible. Consumer perception and behavior: Over past 15 years a research has gradually evolved understanding the relationship between CSR and consumer perception and behavior. The research indicated that responsible firm conduct attracted consumer outcomes such as consumer loyalty, product consideration, company and product evaluation, purchase intention and willingness to pay. However, consumers are not willing to sacrifice product quality for CSR. The result suggests that consumers’ reaction to firms responsible conduct is an important incentive for companies to engage in CSR. As food enterprises

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Classical and Rapid Assessment Methods in Eye Care - myassignmenthelp

Question: How do you compare and contrast rapid assessment studies and classical epidemiological studies? Answer: Both conventional and rapid assessment (RA) methods are employed in studies that are of public health importance. They offer valuable information that will guide decisions for the planning of public health service delivery. The two methods complement each other whereby the standard sets the initial baseline of study, and then RA is applied in assessing their outcomes. The two approaches, however, differ in that standard method is expensive and resource demanding while the RA utilizes fewer resources and takes a short time to provide the data required. RA being quick and cost-efficient, it is possible to repeat the study to ascertain the changing trends in malady burden (Marmamula, Keeffe, and Rao, 2012, 416). In using RA, the areas with an urgent need of the services are prioritized (Limburg, Bah, and Johnson, 2001, 82). For selecting the appropriate RA method the local needs and context are considered hence prioritization unlike in classical methods. References Limburg, H., Bah, M. and Johnson, G.J., 2001. Trial of the trachoma rapid assessment methodology in the Gambia. Ophthalmic epidemiology, 8(2-3), pp.73-85. Marmamula, S., Keeffe, J.E. and Rao, G.N., 2012. Rapid assessment methods in eye care: An overview. Indian journal of ophthalmology, 60(5), p.416.