Saturday, May 16, 2020

The Silk Road Essay - 1623 Words

The Silk Road was an intricate and evolving network of overland trade routes that linked China, India, and western Eurasia for centuries. The trade route was key to the diffusion and transportation of technology, goods, religions, and language throughout Asia, the Mediterranean, Africa and southern Europe. As the strongest link between major population centers in the largest landmass on earth, the Silk Road was one of the most important of all long-distance trade routes in human history. Study of the Silk Road has made it obvious that Eurasian history was more than isolated histories of Mesopotamia, Egypt, Europe, India, Southeast Asia, and China. In reality, for several thousand years, the Silk Road ensured that these regions were never†¦show more content†¦But it was difficult for them to grow and store crops, so most traded with farming communities at the edge of their grazing lands. The pastoralists would exchange livestock products for agricultural produce and manufactured goods. This way, pastoralists gradually created far-reaching systems of trade that from Siberia to India and from China to the Mediterranean. With the spread of pastoralism, Inner Eurasia now had channels of communication across Eurasia. Early evidence of trade along the Silk Roads comes from the so-called Oxus civilization, a group of fortified farming and trading cities built about 4,000 years ago on the borders between modern Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan. Archaeologists have found Chinese silks and goods from India and Mesopotamia, and pottery and ornaments from Inner Eurasia. The archaeological evidence leans toward the idea of cooperation between urban merchants and pastoralists. Over time, sophisticated systems of trade emerged that was organized in caravans sometimes with hundreds of individuals, often financed by urban merchants, and supplied with manufactured goods and the region’s specialties. 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